Gran'ma Gertie

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

February Gran'ma Gertie

Howdy Ya’ll,

Gran’ma Gertie jest checkin’ in again. Since it’s soon to be Valentines Day, I thought maybe the young’uns would like to know how it used to be. The way it was when me and Gran’pa were young’uns. Before every store in town got in on it.

When I was jest a girl, we used to make all of our own Valentine cards. Most of the mama’s I knew used to keep little scraps of material from quilt makin’s, old paper doilies, and other notions we young’uns could have. If’n you were lucky, you could go to the dime store and buy some red paper or glitter. Mostly we jest used what we had. Mama used to make us a glue from flour, corn starch, and some water. My brother used to eat more than he used!

We’d sit around the table fer hours when we had a chance. It had to be after chores, supper, baths, and school work was done. It might take days to make all our cards. Sometimes even weeks if’n it was fer somebody special. After they were done, we couldn’t wait to give them out and look at all the other ones the other young’uns made.

I got one from Gran’pa that was as purty as any store-bought one I’ve ever seen. He didn’t have any paper doilies, so he spent several weeks cuttin’ out the paper into these purty heart and flow’r shapes. I don’t remember what he wrote on the inside, I jest remember all the time he put in to make it. He also done extra work at Mr. Douglass’s farm to buy me some little fancy tinfoil wrapped chocolate hearts. That sure was the way to my heart! Chocolate, pure and simple. It don’t matter what kind, light or dark, sweet or bittersweet, as long as it’s chocolate! Although, at my age, with my store-bought teeth, I have a little problem with the nuts.

Some women I know like to get flow’rs, or new night clothes. Some like to be took to supper, or off dancin’ somewhere. I’d just as soon spend my Valentine’s Day with Gran’pa, settin’ at the house, listenin’ to the radio, eatin’ my chocolates.

I reckon I found out what love was all about when he give me that first card. It’s about carin’ fer someone enough to do somethin’ difficult without complainin’. It’s about knowin’ somebody well enough to know what they like. It’s about bein’ happy with what you’ve got, and bein’ willin’ to share it. It’s about makin’ someone else happy without expectin’ somethin’ in return. I’m lucky to still have my someone. And real lucky that he still remembers.

If you have a special someone, don’t ferget that Valentine’s day is comin’ fast. Don’t ferget your mama and daddy, either. After all, they loved you first. If you can find the time, sit down and make a purty card. Homemade is always thought more of than store-bought. It shows that you cared enough to take the time, even in our busy world today. A Valentine don’t have to be a card, a flow’r, or anything expensive. It can be as simple as a promise to do somethin’ fer somebody, cut your mama’s grass, help your daddy in the garden fer a day, or fix a nice supper fer your special someone. It really ain’t hard if you use your noodle just a little. How do you think me and Gran’pa’s lasted all these years? He keeps on buying me chocolates and I keep on ..........! Well, I just keep on!

‘Till next time,

Gran’ma Gertie


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